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Prof. Dr. Christian Mileta, Professor of Ancient History at the University Innsbruck, re-opens the lectures after the break as guest of the IGS

Montag, 08.01.2018

Christian Mileta introduces in a lecture on "Religion und Herrschaft. Augustus und der frühe Kaiserkult" on 9th January one of his fields of research: the history of the ruler cult in Hellenistic and Roman times. On 10 th January he will give a seminar in the IGS on the topic of "Macht und Herrschaft. Max Weber und Franz von Oppenheim".
Christian Miletas research focus is on Social, Religious and Economic History, mainly in the Hellenistic and Roman East (Asia Minor) and the role of cities. He is author, among others, of "Der König und sein Land. Untersuchungen zur Herrschaft der hellenistischen Monarchen über das königliche Gebiet Kleinasiens und seine Bevölkerung". 

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